
  • 3 Tips To Get Your Rental Property's Heating System Ready For Winter

    As summer draws to a close, it's time to start preparing your properties for the winter months that lie ahead. While central AC is not a feature in all buildings, nearly all states require landlords to provide adequate heating for their tenants. In most areas, this means ensuring that your units can maintain a set temperature level through certain times of the day and months of the year. Waiting for your tenants to complain about a problem is rarely the best or most cost-effective solution to meeting these requirements.
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  • The Air Conditioner Maintenance That Will Prevent Failures During Summer Heatwaves

    As the summer weather begins to get hotter, your AC has been running for a long time to keep your home cool. This can cause problems when you do not have the right maintenance done. If you want to prevent failures when you need the air conditioning the most, you will want to have your AC serviced regularly. The following AC maintenance will help prevent frustrating failures as the weather gets hotter:
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  • Upgrading Your Home's Air Conditioning System

    There can be a large number of different types of air conditioning systems that homeowners will be able to choose to have installed in their homes. However, they may not always appreciate the types of factors that should be guiding their choice of a new air conditioning system. Square Footage The Unit Can Cool The most important factor when choosing a new air conditioning system will simply be the square footage that the unit will be able to effectively cool.
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  • Installing A Pellet Furnace? Troubleshooting And Repair Tips For A Common Error

    If your HVAC technician recommended that you install a pellet furnace to heat your home, it's important that you understand how to care for that furnace and how to recognize when something isn't working as it should. The good news is that pellet furnaces are typically designed so that when something malfunctions, the furnace shuts down. Here's a look at what you need to know about one of the most common causes of a malfunction shutdown and what to do about it.
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  • Air Conditioning Options For Your Home's New Bathroom Addition

    If you and your family want access to an additional bathroom, but don't want to go to the time and expense of relocating, constructing a bathroom addition on your property can be very convenient and cost effective. However, if you live in a relatively hot climate and rely on air conditioning to keep your home cool, your new bathroom addition will also need to be properly air conditioned. A variety of air conditioning systems and solutions can be used in bathroom additions, but choosing the best system for your specific needs can be challenging.
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  • Learn More About New Furnaces

    If you have become tired of being cold in your house and decided to finally have a furnace installed, you'll probably have many questions. However, if you haven't bought a furnace and had one installed before, even knowing where to start with the questions can be difficult. Here are a few questions other people often ask who are in the position you are, so you may find reading these questions and answers to be very helpful to you.
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  • 4 Simple HVAC Maintenance Tasks

    Most homeowners know that you should change your furnace filter at least once a month. However, you may not know there are a few other things you can do to keep your furnace and air conditioner in good shape. Here are four simple HVAC maintenance tasks anyone can do. Vacuum Your Vents Even with a well-maintained filter, some dust and dirt will find its way into your ductwork. As your system blows air on the vent registers, much of this dust will build up right at the ends of your ducts and on your vent registers.
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  • Two Reasons Why Your Heating Expenses Are So High

    It's easy to get comfortable on a cold winter's day when you have a well-functioning heating system. The warmth makes you feel so toasty and provides a soothing cocoon that you can't wait to relax in. As good as it feels to unwind in a balmy house the stress of trying to maintain the warmth might be weighing you down. Your heating expenses could be climbing higher and may have even reached the point where you're thinking about suffering it out in the cold.
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  • Murphy's Law, Furnace Repair, The Week Between Christmas And New Year's, And You

    Murphy's Law is a folklorish statement proclaiming that "anything that can go wrong when you least expect it and least want it to, will." In regards to furnace repair, it means that your furnace is most likely to break down during some of the coldest days of the year, you will not be financially ready for it, and the HVAC technicians in the area are all out of town and not working.
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  • Why Office Heating Is Important

    If you run an office and your office doesn't currently have a properly functioning heating system, then you may be doing yourself, your entire company, your employees, and your customers a huge disservice. While you may be putting off those heating system repairs as a way to try to save money, not having a properly functioning heating system may actually be costing you much more money than having the repairs done would cost.
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