Why Is Your AC Leaking Water Inside Your Home?
Posted on: 8 December 2021
If the flooring around the base of your air conditioning closet looks damp with water, check the unit's condensate pump immediately. If the pump fails, the unit will collect water and leak water throughout the day. Use the information below to help you repair your indoor unit's condensate pump.
How Does an AC Condensate Pump Work?
A condensate pump is a mechanical device that looks similar to a tiny sump pump, or motorized collection container. But unlike a sump pump, which removes water from basements, a condensate pump removes water from your indoor HVAC unit. A condensate pump collects water droplets, or condensation, from the unit and disperses it to a pan or container located away from the AC closet.
The condensate pump inside your indoor unit relies on a special float switch to operate properly. Every time too much water, or condensation, enters the pump, the switch rises. Once the switch rises to the top of the pump, it tells the motor inside the device to turn on. The motor stays active until all of the water inside the pump disperses out of the system.
If the float switch fails to rise to the top of the condensate pump, the motor will fail to activate on time. The condensate pump will overflow with water and flood your AC closet. The motor inside the pump can also fail at times. The motor may fail to activate if it loses power during normal wear and tear or when something disrupts electrical power in your home.
The problems mentioned above can damage your HVAC system over time. If you want to keep your HVAC system working properly, contact an AC repair contractor fast.
How Do You Repair a Condensate Pump?
A contractor will need to dry the flooring around your AC closet before they check the condensate pump and unit. Other things, such as a frozen evaporator coil, can also cause dampness in your AC closet. Thawing ice from the coil can leak onto the flooring and flood your AC closet.
If the evaporator coil did freeze and thaw during the day, a contractor can clean the device and prevent it from freezing up again in the future. If a contractor doesn't find ice on the evaporator coil, they'll check the condition of your condensate pump.
A contractor may need to remove the pump from the unit to inspect it thoroughly. If the pump's float switch doesn't raise or lower properly, a repair technician can replace it. If the switch checks out fine, a contractor will test and repair the motor inside the pump. Your indoor unit should work properly after the repairs.
Learn more about condensate pumps and how to repair them by calling a contractor today.