HVAC Updates After Renovation
Posted on: 16 July 2019
A renovation project can affect your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. If you started the renovation without consulting an HVAC contractor for advice, consult the contractor once the renovation is over. Below are some of the changes the contractor might have to do for continued efficiency and safety of the HVAC system.
Thermostat Relocation
The thermostat must always be located in an area where it can capture the true temperature of the house. A renovation project can affect the location of the thermostat and make it read the wrong temperatures. For example, if you introduce a window next to the thermostat, the thermostat will be exposed to drafts. If you introduce a skylight above the thermostat, the sunlight might heat the thermostat. In such cases, it's best to relocate the thermostat to another location.
Clean the HVAC
A typical renovation project kicks up considerable dust, some of which ends up in various parts of the HVAC system. The HVAC coils, fan, belt, and motor are some of the parts that might be affected by the dust. The dust will affect the efficiency of the HVAC system and can even cause malfunctions. Thus, you need to give the system a thorough cleaning once the renovation is over.
Replace the Filters
It's also advisable to replace HVAC filters after a major renovation project. This is because the dirt kicked up by the renovation can clog the filters and reduce airflow, resulting in compromised HVAC performance, the risk of overheating, among other airflow problems.
Reconfigure the Vents and Ductwork
The ductwork and vents supply fresh air to different parts of the house and collect stale air back to the HVAC for treatment. The configuration of the ductwork and vents depends on the configuration and use of the different rooms of the house. For example, the cooling and heating needs of a storage room are different from those of a bedroom. Therefore, if you reconfigure your house and switch one room for another, you may also need to reconfigure the ductwork and vents. This is particularly true if you have also changed the sizes of the rooms plus the sizes of their windows and doors.
Resize the HVAC
For major renovation projects, you may also need to change your HVAC system. This is true if the renovation has affected the square footage you want the HVAC to cool, particularly by a large margin. For example, you need to upgrade the HVAC if you have added an additional room to your house and you need to heat and cool it, too.
For more information, contact residential AC services near you.