7 Ways To Reduce Your Heating Bills
Posted on: 28 December 2016
There are not many things more comforting than walking into a toasty warm house after you've been out in the cold for hours. Unfortunately, keeping your house warm all winter can make your energy bills a lot more expensive. It's not uncommon for some homeowners to spend hundreds of dollars a month on their heating bills. However, making some changes around your house can prevent you from spending your entire bank account on heating. Here are seven effective ways to reduce your heating bills:
Cover Up Drafts Around Electrical Boxes
It's likely that you haven't given much thought to the electrical boxes in your exterior walls. However, these boxes usually aren't insulated very well and are drafty because of it. If your electrical boxes do not have proper insulation, heat can easily escape out of your home. It is wise to periodically check these electrical boxes for gaps. If you do notice gaps, you should fill them with caulk as soon as possible.
Use a Space Heater
If you have not taken advantage of a space heater this winter, it is time to start. Space heaters are inexpensive and can help you save quite a bit on your heating bills. When you place a space heater in the main room of the house, you can turn the thermostat down a few degrees and not feel any colder. Do not forget to turn off the space heater when you leave the house or go to bed. If a blanket or another flammable item gets near the space heater, it can cause a fire.
Cover Your Windows With Plastic Film
Windows that do not have proper insulation can make your home lose a lot of heat. If your windows are older and drafty, it is important to cover them with plastic wrap before the temperatures get too cold. After you apply the film to the windows, seal it with a blow-dryer. This film will reduce heat loss and keep your energy bills from getting too expensive.
Keep the Curtains Open
During the day, it is a good idea to keep your curtains open, so the sun can shine in your home. The sun can bring warmth into your home, so your heating system does not have to work as hard to keep your house warm.
Do not Use Ventilator Fans Often
Ventilator fans are great appliances because they help remove fumes from cooking and moisture from the bathroom. However, it is not a good idea to use these fans too frequently during the winter. They can suck the warm air right your house and force your heating system to work harder than it should. Avoid using these fans during the winter unless it is absolutely necessary.
Get Your Furnace Inspected
Before the temperatures dip below freezing, have a heating contractor come to your house and give your furnace a complete inspection. He or she can make sure all the furnace's parts are working efficiently. If the furnace needs repaired, the heating contractor can fix it before it affects your energy bills.
Use a Humidifier
Dry winter air does not just make your skin and lips parched; it can also make your house feel colder. A good way to bring back some of the moisture is to turn on a humidifier. If you place a humidifier in your living room, it will make the air feel warmer, so you can turn down the thermostat a few degrees.
Heating your home should not have to cost a fortune. If you follow these useful tips, you can reduce your heating bills and have more money in your bank account.